Standards at work

It is really important that you create the right impression – this will help you secure repeat temporary work and here are some things of which you should be made aware:

  • If you are unable to attend your temporary assignment or interview, please contact your consultant at the earliest opportunity.

  • Arriving at your temporary assignment or interview 10 minutes early will make the right impression. The same applies to lunch breaks – ensure you only take the allotted time.

  • Presentation is extremely important as first impressions count. It is always best to dress in a business-like manner until you discover the company’s dress code.

  • It is advisable to switch off your mobile and not to use office phones to make personal phone calls or use office computers to send personal emails.

  • Only use the internet if it is part of your job.

  • If you have issues regarding any aspect of your temporary assignment or interview always speak to your consultant in the first instance, rather than your line manager.

  • If you are unwell and unable to work, you, or if necessary someone representing you, should inform your consultant (not your line manager) prior to your start time.

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